Sunday, October 27, 2013

People's Thoughts On Eedris Abdulkareem- My Response To Bimbo Olaitan Article

Click for Full Image Size Eedris Abdulkareem

Let me start by commending you and saying thank you for your great concern and article. Your article had just reflects what many people had in mind when it comes to the name Eedris Abdulkareem.

I quite agreed with some of your points and disagreed with others. Yes, truly Eedris Abdulkareem has had a great time of criticisms like you mentioned but the fact remains people’s opinion and judgement which I agreed with you on. The line ‘may still have a great comeback’ to me seems so untrue, considering the current efforts of Eedris Abdulkareem. From his first new single “I GO WHOOZ”, one can tell he is set to take the industry to a whole new dimension as far as music is concerned. His current sound is different and, like you said, he has always found himself hooked in controversies, most of which had created bad impression of him in people’s mind.

To me, he has made a great comeback already, whether you class it as a dramatic or miraculous comeback. He has always proven himself, like you said, as the “last man standing”. I am not speaking for him because I know him but I believe anyone close to him can defend his personality, going by your words; that your friends that are close to him said certain things about him. People are entitled to their personal opinions. No one is an island, we all make mistakes. We accused him of saying Nigeria Jaga Jaga, truth be told, the country was not in order when he released the song. I know a lot of music fans who call him names now, sang the song too. It was like an anthem that every young and mature Nigerians found themselves singing either intentionally or even in passing.

Regarding the lines on 50 Cent, I still don’t know why we always shy away from the facts. As far as I am concerned, no one really knows the truth about what happened and the fact that he confronted 50 Cent and the show organizers is enough to tell that something was wrong somewhere. Though I expected him to take legal actions against the organizers of the event, if there was a breached of contract, but then he did what he had to at the time.

The question here is how about the other Nigerian artistes at the scene? It would have been nice if Eedris and his management, Kennis Music International had a press conference to address the issue back then.

Eedris Abdulkareem, I urge you to try, in your best interest, and the interest of the music fans who still love you, and those who don’t know but need to know the truth about what happened with 50 Cent, even If it will require you to tell us the real story through your music.

Reading comments on your latest effort “Moringa”, it’s clear you still have people who greatly love you and you’ve proven its operation takeover. Like Bimbo said, you have to prove you have what it take to be celebrated as a living legend that made a great comeback.

The truth has been said. Ms. Bimbo Olaitan’s words are true. I will say Nigerians await your album or should I say a new re-branded Eedris Abdulkareem.

Good luck on your journey back to the top

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