Thursday, August 15, 2013

For Ladies – 4 Types Of “Nice Men” You Should Avoid!!!

Ever met a guy who started off
being ‘Mr. Too Nice’ and then
turned out to be ‘Mr. Not Nice At
All’? At first, he is clingy, he is too
sweet, and he is so caring, but
right when you decide to give in
and give him a chance, that is
when the ‘Not So Nice Guy’ rears his ugly head. He
may not realize this, but he feeds off of rejection,
and when someone treats him favorably, he can no
longer participate at his pity party. This may be
news to some of you, but there are about four
different kinds of ‘nice’ guys lurking out there, and
once you find that out, you will never fall for the
nice-guy act again.
1. The Guy
Who Says “I
am a Nice Guy”
When someone has to tell you that they are nice,
there goes your red flag. He is really trying to
convince himself that he is nice and not you,
necessarily. The “nice guy” uses the phrase “nice
guys finish last” as their mating call. They say this
with hopes that you feel sorry for them and
give them a chance, when in fact the reason they
finish last is because they are bitter and mean. In
my opinion, nice guys finish last because they are
not that nice, it may be because they lack
confidence in themselves. Have you ever turned
down a guy who has too much confidence? Well,
that is highly unlikely. Avoid this sour puss.
2. The Loner
Of course, everyone cannot be a social butterfly, but
if you find that your suitor is failing in the friend
department that may definitely be a red flag. Some
“nice” guys really turn out to be loners. He will
share with you tales of friends, who have done him
wrong in the past, or who don’t come around
anymore. You will start to question if he is the
problem. Okay, what I am trying to tell you is that
he is the problem, he’s the really, big problem. At
first you think he may be just be timid and
introverted, then you realize he is just not nice to
people. Push this guy away before he tries to push
you away first.
3. The Self Centered Nice Guy
This version of the nice guy thinks the whole world
is against him. He likes to believe that he does so
much for other people, but no one ever returns the
favor. After weeks of hearing his sad story, you
realize he does not do things from his heart he does
it because he wants the recognition.
Therefore, every time he does a favor for you he will
keep tally, so that the one time he asks you for help
and you say no, he will deem you a horrible person
whom he will forever remember as one of the
people who did so much for and got nothing in
return. Tell him to get over himself and move on.
4. Mr. Split Personality
At times, he is sweet as pie but at unexpected
times, he is the other way round. After examining
this specimen of a man, I have realized their nice
guy role is a role they have been playing all their
life. In fact, these guys tend to be mean and
sometimes verbally abuse. He goes from hot to cold
in a split second possibly because he is
been holding his true self in for too long. My only
advice for you is to just run!

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