Thursday, April 18, 2013

ARE YOU TIRED OF BEING SINGLE? Then stop doing this things

Are you a single lady? Do you want to change that?
Then stop these behaviours today!
1. HAVING s*x TOO SOON: Many women feel
pressure to have s*x with a man because they feel
that this will keep the man’s attention. Having s*x
with a man who is not emotionally connected with
you will keep his attention-but only for the short
Solution: Resist the urge to sleep with a man before
you’re ready. Also, do not have s*x with a man
before there is a mutual emotional connection.
Think: If you had s*x with the guy you’re seeing
now and you got pregnant, would he be there for
you, or would he run for the hills?
2. NEGATIVE ATTITUDE: If you have the attitude
that all men are dogs, all men cheat, all men are
pigs, this attitude will definitely repel men. Even if
you do not vocalize these thoughts, it will be
evident in your actions.
Solution: Be positive. Be present. Smile with every
man that you meet.
3. WASTING TIME: Too often women stay in dead-
end relationships or put up with being the booty
call . Settling to be in a dead-end relationship or
the side chick will only waste your time and prevent
you from meeting the right guy.
Solution: Look at your relationship. Where is it
going? Is it what you want? If not, you are missing
out on meeting the right guy. Don’t settle.
4. LOW SELF-ESTEEM: Having low self-esteem is
never a good thing. It can prevent you from
realizing when you are in a bad relationship.
Usually when a woman has low self-worth, she will
only attract negative men.
Solution: You are beautiful and you deserve to be
with a great guy. For the next two months, take
note of all the compliments that you receive from
family and friends. Each night, read the list of
compliments. In no time your confidence will be
boosted and you will agree that you are amazing!
5. TOO PICKY: You will not date a man if he does
not match your long list of requirements.
Solution: Take 10 minutes to write down traits that
you must have in a man, then prioritize your list
and select the top three things that you
ABSOLUTELY must have in a man.
6. LOSING YOURSELF: Something that’s very
common is that once a woman starts dating a guy
that she’s interested in, she forgets her friends and
the life she had before meeting him. A man will
appreciate you more if you have your own life and a
schedule outside him.
Solution: Don’t make your life revolve around his
life. Don’t be afraid to have a life of your own.
do not respond very well to what they view as pushy
women. Generally speaking, men enjoy the chase
and want to be the one to pursue you. If you try to
push for a relationship or marriage with a man
before he is ready, it will only push him away.
Solution: Keep your cool. You’re amazing. Allow the
man to court you.

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