Sunday, May 19, 2013

NEW DISCOVERY: The Bee Venom as HIV, Cancer Cure

If reports from
the researches
of a team of
practitioners at
the Washington
School of
Medicine, USA,
and the
testimony of an
Ibadan-based apitherapist are anything to go
by, perhaps the world should get ready to
have a sigh of relief from AIDS and cancer.
Unlike most other ailments where the body’s defence
apparatus fights foreign objects thereby protecting
the body, in the case of HIV, it attacks the soldiers,
the T-helper lymphocytes, also called CD4 or T4 cells.
Noted Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia; these are white
blood cells that are essential part of the human
immune system. They are called helper cells because
one of their main roles is to send signals to other
types of immune cells, including CD8 killer cells.
T4 cells send the signal and CD8 cells destroy and kill
the infection or virus. But as a popular Igbo adage
says, when the lion is incapacitated, the antelope
visits to settle old scores, so if CD4 cells become
depleted, as is the case in untreated HIV infection, or
immune suppression, the body is left vulnerable to a
wide range of infections that it would otherwise have
been able to fight.
Following the report of the US-based medical
scientists (Hood J.L, Jallouk A.P, Campbell N, Ratner
L and Wickline S.A) that a toxin (melittin) found in
bee venom could destroy HIV and tumor cells without
harming nearby cells, there have been varied
reactions from the public. Some described it as a
miracle, others were skeptical while a few said it was
Bee venom as a weapon:
Engr. Ayodele Salako, an Ibadan-based apiculturist/
apitherapist, said although most orthodox medicine
practitioners do not believe in alternative medicine,
the answer to most diseases of man lies with nature
and, unless we go closer to nature, we will not
discover its many wonders.
He added, honey bee venom, also called apitoxin, is
one of the major products of the bees and they use it
to defend themselves, the queen bee and their
territory, it is their weapon. Also God has put
something in the bee venom for healing so once a bee
stings you, 45 minutes or one hour later, it dies and
that venom, within your body system, begins to do a
lot of wonders. The introduction of that venom
through the stinger into your system may cause some
pains and that pain is the pain that kills pains, he
Bee venom therapy (BVT):
Salako reeled out a number of ailments that could be
combated with bee venom which include headache,
insomnia, osteoarthritis, fractures, inflammation,
high blood pressure, skin problems, back pain,
infertility in women, eye problems, wounds that have
refused to go for about two-three years. The best
remedy for arthritis is Bee Venom Therapy, BVT, he
Mr. Ndubuisi Okwum , a staff of Scripture Union,
Nigeria, echoed Salako’s view. He said: I learnt a bit
of apiculture at Umudike, Abia State and since the
90s, I have known that bee sting can cure malaria
(acupuncture), so I am not surprised at this recent
research development.
Mr. Harry Porter, reacting to the story, HIV, cancer:
Bee venom to the rescue on a website, said; this is
what we call nature signature. This is the suggestion
of what a fruit or leaf or animal or insect can cure by
looking at its structure and what it resembles. Taking
a good look at bees, you can see that the comb
resembles a DNA structure and a virus. So it’s a great
possibility that the cure for HIV can come from it.
More research is needed to get a pure sample that
will do this without rendering the surrounding cells
useless or dead.
If you have a severe headache and I administer BVT
via a bee sting, there will be quick relief. As an
apitherapist, I studied body anatomy so I know at
what points to apply the bee sting so that the venom
can be carried through the required route to the
targeted site. If you complain of insomnia and I give
you BVT, within 20 minutes, you will sleep off,” said
Salako, noting that “a farmer who goes to the farm
and is being stung by bees will not fall ill easily. He is
free from having fever regularly, free from insomnia,
high blood pressure, skin problems, eye problem,
back pain, HIV etc. Bee venom is very powerful
against many ailments.”
Bee venom against HIV
Salako, who claims to have been treating HIV-
positive people with bee venom, said; I have used bee
venom to treat some HIV positive patients. I say it on
live broadcast but many people don’t believe it. If one
can just look for one confirmed HIV-positive patient,
they should send him/her to me. After 8-12 weeks of
treatment, the person will go for another test.
Usually, after the first 8-12 weeks of treatment, he
will notice a decrease in the viral load. Then we
continue the treatment for another 4-5 weeks and the
patient goes for another test until there is no more
AIDS virus in the system. Apart from the BVT, I also
apply other bee products like propolis with honey.
The researchers had said that bee venom contains a
potent toxin called melittin that can poke holes in the
protective envelope that surrounds HIV and other
viruses. It has even shown melittin-loaded
nanoparticles to be effective in killing tumor cells.
Asked if any kind of bee could be used for BVT,
Salako replied in the negative saying; the female bees
are the only ones that can sting so only female bees
are used in BVT.
The male bees are called drones; the mature female
bees are called queens which lay the eggs. The drones
cannot sting; their main function is to fertilize the
virgin queen during her mating flight after which
they die.
Extinction of bees:
Some people argue that if the anti-HIV/cancer
activities of bee venom proves to be true, then bees
may become extinct sooner than later but Salako
allayed this fear saying that a queen can lay about
2,500 - 3,000 eggs per day, adding that it will rather
create the much needed job for the youths.

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